Flavored Butter

by: Londoncookss



Garlic Butter


What you need:


3 large cloves of Garlic or 3 tsp

1 stick unsalted Butter (softened/room temperature)

Parchment Paper




Wash Garlic and prep them by mincing finely using a grater or you can also use a pestle and mortar.I do not recommend using bottled or minced Garlic for this recipe as their flavors may have been altered by the liquid that they were bottled with. Fresh Garlic would be best to use when infusing butter.

In a bowl add your Butter and crush using a fork. It is very important to ensure that you are using room temperature Butter. This will allow for even distribution of all of your ingredients.

Add minced Garlic to butter and stir using a rubber spatula or fork.

Spoon Butter mixture on to a piece of parchment paper and roll into a long stick like shape. I would suggest to smooth out and shape the Butter with your hands while rolling. See picture for a visual of the shape. 

Twist ends of parchment paper to seal when done rolling and place in your refrigerator for at least 2 hours to hardened. 





Herb Butter


What you need:


1 stick of unsalted Butter (room temperature /softened)

2 cloves of Garlic or 2 tsp

4 sprigs Thyme 

1 sprig Rosemary



Wash your herbs properly to ensure that all dirt has been removed from them. Wash your Garlic also and pat dry.Prep the Garlic by mincing fine using a grater or you can also use a pestle and mortar. Remove the leaves of the Thyme from its stem as much as possible and the Rosemary also. Chop them both finely.

n a bowl add your Butter, minced Garlic and chopped herbs and stir using a rubber spatula or fork to ensure even distribution.

Spoon Butter mixture on a piece of parchment paper and roll into a long stick like shape. Repeat shaping steps above and place in your refrigerator to harden for at least 2 hours before using.




Lemon Garlic Butter



What you need:


2 tsp Lemon Zest

2 tsp Garlic (crushed or minced finely)

2 tsp Parsely

1 stick Unsalted Butter (room temperature/softened)



Zest a Lemon using a vegetable peeler or a grater. Be sure to get mainly the yellow and less of the white.  The white part of the Lemon rind may result in a bitter taste if you use too much. 

Finely chop your Parsley and set aside.

In a bowl add Butter, Lemon zest, Parsley and Garlic and mix until all ingredients have been evenly combined.

On a piece of parchment paper roll out Butter mixture, repeat shaping instructions above and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to harden before using.

1 comment

  • Allison Muir

    Love the ideas will definitely try them out. Thank you 😌

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