Jamaican Tamarind Balls

Jamaican Tamarind balls, also known as Tamarind balls or Tambran balls, are a delightful sweet and tangy treat. They are super simple and easy to make. These were a part of almost every kid's childhood growing up in Jamaica and a staple in other countries of the Caribbean.  You can add some sort of flavoring if you'd like which is optional but all you need are two simple ingredients for these and a tiny amount of arm work since these will require a little kneading/incorporating!


Prep Time: 20 mins

Total Time: 40 mins




8oz Tamarind

1/2 cup Brown Sugar




Start by removing any seeds from the tamarind pulp. If you're using whole tamarind pods, break them open and extract the pulp.


Place them in a bowl with 1/2 cup Brown sugar and knead the sugar into to the Tamarind, using your hands, until everything is fully combined. These should be sweet and tangy so you can taste and adjust the sugar to your preference.


Pour more sugar out onto a plate for rolling. Set aside.

Now form and roll into little balls (any size of your preference) and then coat them using some more  brown sugar. You can lightly wet your hands with some water to make this easier if you’d like!


Serve right away and enjoy!

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