Strawberry Puff Pastry

This is a simple, quick and easy Puff Pastry that is perfect for Breakfast, Brunch or snack time. They are so easy to make, that you can make these with your eyes closed. Give these a try and feel free to swap out the strawberries with any fruit you'd like!

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cook Time: 15 mins

Total Time: 30 mins




2 tbsp Cream Cheese

1- 1/2 tbsp Strawberry Jam

2/3 cup Strawberries, chopped small

Red Food Coloring (optional)

1 sheet Puff Pastry, thawed according to package directions

1 egg, beaten

3 inch Heart Shape Cookie Cutter

Powder Sugar




Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

 In a bowl combine the Cream cheese, strawberry jam and a dot size amount of food coloring (if used). The purpose of the food coloring it to give the cream cheese mixture a slight pink color. You can omit it from the recipe if your prefer. Set Cream cheese mixture aside in the refrigerator.

 Now roll out your puff pastry on a clean surface and use your cookie cutter to cut it into hearts. You can space them together closely to get as many as you can out of one sheet. If you have leftover puff pastry, you can use a rolling pin to flatten it and use your cookie cutter to cut out more  hearts.


Now transfer the hearts on to a lined baking sheet and space them about 1 inch apart.


Use a sharp knife to lightly score a heart inside of each without cutting entirely through the back or the bottom of the dough. 

 Now brush some of the beaten egg on the outside or the edge of the hearts you scored using your knife. The purpose of the egg wash is to help to give these a nice golden color on the edges once these are done. 

 Add 1 tsp of the cream cheese mixture on each heart and then spread them outward  but try to stay inside the outline of the hearts you just created using your knife. 

Now top each with strawberries over the cream cheese layer.

 Place them in the oven to bake for 14-15mins until the edges are golden brown.

Once they are done allow them to cool on a wire rack and dust them using powder sugar.

You can serve these right away while they are still nice and warm and if not right away try to serve these on the same day that you make them. They may become soggy the day after due to the filling so you may not enjoy them as much as you would when they are freshly made.



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