Cinnamon Rolls

Who doesn’t love ooey gooey soft, fluffy and comforting Cinnamon rolls? These are so easy to make and best of all they taste absolutely delicious! The cream cheese topping will drop into each layer making this even more delicious. You can prep these ahead of time (perhaps overnight) by placing them in the baking container already cut and cover the container tightly using sedan wrap. Bake and enjoy the next day!

Prep Time: 3 hours

Cook Time: 25 mins

Total Time: 3 hours 25 mins






3 cups All Purpose flour

1/3 cup white sugar

1 tsp Salt

4 tbsp unsalted Butter, melted

1 egg+ 1 egg yolk, beaten


Yeast mixture:


2 1/2 tsp Active Dry Yeast

1 tbsp white Sugar

3/4 cup lukewarm water




1 tsp Nutmeg

2 tbsp ground Cinnamon 

5 tbsp unsalted Butter

1/2 cup Brown Sugar


For the Frosting:


1/2 cup cream cheese, softened

1 tsp Vanilla

2 tbsp unsalted Butter, softened

Coffee creamer


 Heavy Cream



 Start out by prepping your yeast for the dough first by combining all of the ingredients listed under yeast mixture together in a bowl and leave it to rest for 30 mins to allow the yeast to ferment. Cover the bowl and leave it in a warm place.



Prep the dough by adding all of the ingredients listed under dough by placing them all in a separate bowl and then add the yeast mixture once it has been fermented.


Combine everything by using a wooden spoon or your hand to mix until it turn into a ball or rough dough.


On a floured surface place the rough dough and knead using your hands until it becomes nice and smooth.


You can drizzle enough oil into the same bowl that you made your dough or lightly flour the container and place the smooth dough back in to rise for 1 1/2-2hours. Cover it using a damp cloth and place the bowl in a warm place.


While you wait for your dough to rise, combine evenly all of the ingredients listed under filling, in a separate bowl.

Prepare the frosting also by combining all ingredients listed under “Frosting” in a bowl. Pour in enough coffee creamer to give the frosting a nice runny but not too thick consistency. You can use any coffee creamer of your choice for this or milk if you don’t have coffee creamer on hand. Set aside.


Once your dough has risen or doubled in size, push down on it gently to release the air and then place it on a lightly floured surface and roll it out flat using a rolling pin. Try not to stretch or rip the dough while doing this.


Now spread on the filling evenly. Keep in mind that the more filling you add the sweeter this may be. Spread it out in an even layer or however you prefer.


Now roll the dough up as tight as possible and cut the rolls using kitchen twine or a piece of string. You can use a knife if you don’t have any of these but the rolls may not be as neat. The string is guaranteed to give a neater and nicer cut. This recipe should yield about 6 large Cinnamon rolls.


Place each roll into a container lined with parchment paper or a container that has been greased properly and allow them to rest for 30 mins, covered with a damp cloth. The rolls will start rising at this point again.


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Spoon about 1/2 tbsp of heavy cream over each Cinnamon Roll.This will help them to become nice and moist once baked.
Place your Cinnamon Rolls in to bake for 20-25 mins.


Remove them from the oven right away and top each one with the Cream Cheese frosting that you made earlier.


Serve warm and enjoy!



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