BBQ Chicken Baked Potato slices

Prep Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 40 mins

Total Time: 1 hour





3 medium sized Russet Potatoes, sliced and washed

1/2 tbsp Vegetable seasoning

2 tsp Garlic Powder

2 tbsp Oil



BBQ Chicken Ingredients:


1-1/2 lbs Boneless Chicken, white  or dark meat

1 tsp Garlic Powder

1 tsp Brown Sugar 

1/4 tsp Black Pepper

2 tsp Brown Sugar

1 tsp Onion Powder

1 tsp All Purpose Seasoning 

1-1/2 tsp Paprika

2 tbsp oil


Other Toppings:


BBQ sauce

2 sprigs Green Onions, chopped small

Cheddar Cheese, use any amount you like 




Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

 Pat the chicken dry, using a paper towel, of any excess water.

 Now season using all ingredients listed under “BBQ Chicken Ingredients”. Set aside.

 Prep the potatoes by combining them in a bowl with the vegetable seasoning, garlic powder, oil and a dash of salt.


Place them on a lined or greased baking tray in a single layer and then spray or brush them lightly with some oil. Place them in the oven to bake for 15 mins.


You can place the chicken in the oven on a separate baking sheet, uncovered, to bake for 30 mins or until their internal temperature reads 165 degrees when a food thermometer is inserted or you can airfare the chicken for 15 mins. I chose to airfry mine! 


Once the potatoes complete their first 15 mins of cooking, flip them and spray them with a little oil, which will help to crisp them up and then place them back in the oven for an additional 10 mins to bake.


Once the chicken is done cooking, chop it up into little bite size pieces and combine in a bowl with 3/4 cup BBQ sauce. Set aside.


Remove the potatoes from the oven after their second round of cooking and now top each piece with cheese (any amount you like) and a small amount of the BBQ chicken. Place them back into the oven to bake until the cheese becomes nice and melty.


Remove them from the oven and garnish using the green onions. Drizzle on a little extra bbq sauce on each piece and serve right away with some sour cream or any side you prefer.






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